Benefits of physical exercise - Info Include


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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Benefits of physical exercise

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Regular exercise has been shown to help maintain good health and prevent disease. We explain all the benefits it brings you, both physically and psychologically.

The benefits of physical exercise for body and mind exercising regularly brings you many benefits. Benefits of physical exercise Sport and health Sport and work Shared: 3987 Share content on Facebook Share content on Twitter Share content on Pinterest Sharing content on Menéame Share content by email Updated: September 17, 2019

Regular and systematic physical activity has proven to be a very beneficial practice in the prevention, development, and rehabilitation of health while helping character, discipline, and decision-making in everyday life.

Physical exercise, whether short or long, contributes to establishing mental well-being, improving the person's autonomy, memory, speed of ideas, etc., and promoting feelings such as optimism or euphoria, while improving people's self - esteem, which produces benefits in different diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension or diabetic crises.

All activities aimed at improving physical fitness (for example, after a long period of inactivity) must be carried out progressively. Each athlete must analyze the demands of their sport of choice before deciding on their training plan.

The intensity and the load must be determined individually since they depend on the technical level and the physical condition of each person.

Biological benefits It improves form and physical resistance. Regulates blood pressure figures. Increase or maintain bone density. It improves insulin resistance. It helps maintain body weight. Increases muscle tone and strength. It improves the flexibility and mobility of the joints. Reduces the feeling of fatigue. Psychological benefits Increase self-esteem. Improve self-image. Reduces social isolation. Reduce tension and stress. Reduces the level of depression. It helps you relax. Increases alertness. Decrease the number of accidents at work. Less degree of aggressiveness, anger, anguish ... Increases general well-being.

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