Sport and its benefits in physical, mental and psychological health - Info Include


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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sport and its benefits in physical, mental and psychological health

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Physical exercise improves mental function, autonomy, memory, speed, "body image" and the feeling of well-being. There is a stability in the personality characterized by optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility.

benefits-of-sport-3Physical activity programs should provide relaxation, endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility. In the interaction of the body with space and time through movement, numerous learnings of the human being are built. This construction is carried out through a succession of educational experiences that are promoted through exploration, practice and internalization, thus structuring the so-called body scheme

In the V Congress of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition, the importance of carrying out sports activities for physical, mental and social development was highlighted. In addition, sport has a great influence on the prevention of many diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes.

An estimated 9 to 16 percent of deaths in developed countries can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. In the state of health of a person this is a fundamental factor that is combined with other important determinants such as genetic endowment, age, nutritional status, hygiene, healthiness, stress and tobacco.

5.1. Benefits of Sport on the Physical and Mental Health of Individuals:

On the Heart

It lowers the resting heart rate and, when exerted, increases the amount of blood that is expelled from the heart with each beat. In this way the cardiac efficiency is greater "spending" less energy to work. It stimulates circulation within the heart muscle, favoring the "feeding" of the heart. About the circulatory system: Contributes to the reduction of blood pressure. Increases circulation in all muscles. It reduces the formation of clots within the arteries, thus preventing the appearance of heart attacks and cerebral thrombosis. It acts on the endothelium, which is the layer of cells that lining the arteries inside, secreting substances of utmost importance for its proper functioning, improving its activity and keeping it healthy and vigorous. All this by direct action and through hormones that are released with exercise. It improves venous operation preventing varicose vein apparition. About metabolism:

Increases the ability to take advantage of the oxygen that reaches the body through the circulation. It increases the activity of muscle enzymes, elements that allow a better metabolism of the muscle and therefore less need for cardiac work. Increase fat intake during activity thereby contributing to weight loss. It helps decrease total cholesterol and LDL ("bad") cholesterol with increased HDL ("good") cholesterol. Improves glucose tolerance favoring the treatment of diabetes. It increases the secretion and work of different hormones that contribute to the improvement of the body's functions. Collaborate in maintaining a full sex life. Improves the immune response to infections or attacks of different kinds. Strengthening of structures (bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons) and improvement of the function of the skeletal muscle system, effectively contributing to the quality of life and degree of independence, especially among the elderly. Decreases gastric symptoms and the risk of colon cancer About smoking:

Individuals who do physical training quit smoking more easily and there is an inverse relationship between physical exercise and smoking.

On the psychological aspects:

Increases the feeling of well-being and decreases mental stress. Release of endorphins takes place, substances of the own organism with chemical structure similar to morphine, which favor the "feeling good" after exercise. Decrease the degree of aggressiveness, anger, anxiety, anguish and depression. Decreases the feeling of fatigue. It gives you more energy and work capacity. About the locomotor system Increases muscle and joint elasticity. Increases the strength and endurance of the muscles. Prevents the onset of osteoporosis. Prevents muscle deterioration caused by the years. It facilitates movement of daily life. It contributes to the greater independence of the elderly. Improve sleep.

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