The 5 best exercises for health according to Harvard (and there are surprises) - Info Include


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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The 5 best exercises for health according to Harvard (and there are surprises)

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Regardless of your age or physical condition, the institution advocates its inclusion among our lifestyle habits since they provide remarkable benefits for physical and mental health. 2 Álvaro PiquerasÁLVARO PIQUERAS Follow 01/08/2019 12:46 PM If you thought that Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA) was going to ask you to put on your running shoes and go running, you are very wrong . Nothing is further from reality. And it is that one of the most widespread sports today is not among the favorites of the prestigious North American university, which is committed to other modalities that it considers suitable for adequate physical activity regardless of age or situation.

That is, the list is not exclusive, far from it. Any sport, regardless of type, is beneficial to health, but there are some that are better suited to the needs of the average citizen , who is sometimes lacking in motivation or intimidated when facing a more demanding activity.

The exercises proposed by Harvard will help keep your weight under control, improve your balance and range of motion, strengthen your bones, your joints will protect, will avoid the problems of bladder control and even prevent memory loss . Here we go:

1. Walk (if it is fast, the better) This healthy lifestyle habit, which you should already incorporate into your routine if you have not already done so, is a comfortable and simple way of doing sports without being subjected to great efforts and that we can easily undertake for 30-60 minutes . In addition to the opinion of Harvard, a study from the University of Sydney (Australia) published in the 'British Journal of Sports Medicine' , ensures that walking fast brings countless benefits to your health. Up to ten . The ideal speed to achieve the maximum effect on health would be equivalent to traveling each kilometer between 8.5 and 12 minutes .

· Improves muscle response.

· Increase calorie consumption.

· Facilitates weight control.

· Activates cardiac circulation.

· Lowers cholesterol levels.

· Lowers glucose levels.

· Contributes to the control of blood pressure.

· Improves respiratory function.

· Improves intestinal function.

· Improves sexual function.

2. swim For Harvard, swimming can be considered the perfect training, especially when we talk about people with arthritis or who are in some process of rehabilitation because the aquatic environment, due to its own characteristics, eliminates the tension of the joints and can move more fluidly. . In addition, swimming, and other activities such as water aerobics, improve mood and mental health . Not to mention that water also helps burn calories and tone muscles .

3. Tai Chi Tai Chi is a martial art originating in China, ideal for physical and mental health as it combines movement and relaxation. The so-called 'moving meditation' is ideal and recommended for people of all ages, especially to train balance , which is something that decreases as age progresses. In addition, tai chi, and also yoga, offer important benefits in the treatment and prevention of strokes , according to an ambitious study published in the journal 'Future Neurology'.

4. Strength training Not to be confused with demanding gym routines. Once again, Harvard advocates moderate activity aimed at toning up muscles, not developing them . Because if the muscles are not used they will lose their strength over time. In addition, strength training, which can be limited to lifting light weights, helps you control weight and maintain brain function . And it is a gradual activity that allows you a progression. Of course, it is important to know the technique of each exercise well to prevent injuries and maximize results.

5. Kegel exercises It may not be the type of physical exercise that manifests through appearance, but its importance is more than contrasted because Kegel exercises or pubococcygeal muscle contraction exercises serve to strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent aspects such as incontinence, help delivery time or improve sexual relations . To do a Kegel exercise properly, squeeze the muscles you would use to hold the urine, hold the contraction for two to three seconds, and relax. Do 10 repetitions of four to five sets a day.

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