The five pillars of Islam - Info Include


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Sunday, June 14, 2020

The five pillars of Islam

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Islam has five basic requirements: the five pillars of Islam. They demand that Muslims make a profession of faith, give alms, fast, pray and go on a pilgrimage to Mecca.

1. The profession of faith The first, and most important, is the profession of faith. Islam which means submission and comes from the word "peace" is considered by Muslims as the reaffirmation of the same truth which was revealed to Christians and Jews: belief in a single God.

Faith was revealed through the prophets of God, including Moses and Jesus, or Musa and 'Isa as they are called in Arabic. Muslims believe that the last, most universal message from God was revealed to the last of the prophets, the Prophet Muhammad. Belief in this one God is the basis of the Islamic religion.

2. Prayer In Islam, prayer expresses faith through personal communication with Allah. Prayer can be done in private or in public. Each Muslim must perform five prayers daily in the direction of Mecca, Fara'idh. These prayers are punctuated according to the natural location, at dawn, at midday, in the afternoon, at sunset and in the evening. However, the texts grumbled according to the constraints of the practitioners (for example work) to perform the five prayers outside this rhythm. The common Friday prayer at noon - salat al-juma'a - is a duty for every Muslim. It is led by an imam, literally "the one standing in front", who can be any respected member of the community., a sermon.

The salat , Salah (صلاة [Sala]) or namaz means the Islamic prayer, the second of the five pillars of Islam. Each Muslim is required to perform five compulsory daily prayers (farâ'idh), facing the qibla, which is the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. The prayer consists of rakaat (prayer unit) depending on the prayer performed (Fajr, Dohr, 'Asr, Maghreb or even' Icha) this number varies from 2 to 4 rakaat. A rakaat consists of sura Al-Fatiha and another sura (of his choice) of a tilt and two prostrations.

3. Alms Almsgiving to the poor and needy occupies an important place in Islam. Among all the possible ways of giving alms, the most formal is to pay a tax, zakat , one of the five pillars of Islam. The amount of zakat that a person has to pay is a percentage of his fortune. The tax is then distributed among the poor, but it can also be used to help other members of society in need.

4. The youngster of Ramadan Muhammad received the first revelation from the Qur'an during the ninth lunar month, that of Ramadan . This month therefore has a special meaning in Islam. Every day during the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset; they abstain from eating, drinking and having sex. However, although this fast , sawm , is one of the pillars of Islam, those who are too sick, pregnant women and very young children may be exempt.


5. The pilgrimage The last pillar of Islam is the pilgrimage, hajdj . All Muslims aim to achieve once in their lives if their finances and health allow it. The hadjdj includes a series of rites which take place each year at the sacred mosque of Mecca and in the neighboring regions of Mina, Muzdalifa and Arafat. A shorter pilgrimage to Mecca , called umra , is part of the Hajj , but it can be done independently, at any time of the year.

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