Apps to help children learn - Info Include


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Monday, June 15, 2020

Apps to help children learn

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Computers, smartphones and digital tablets are part of our lives, like audio-visual equipment and television, only a few decades ago.

Educational TV shows, homework, and exercises are gradually being replaced by apps that will help children learn more easily, while the real-time video is already replacing "sophisticated" equipment from the 60s and 70s.

In some schools, the digital tablet has supplanted the computer as an educational tool.

The platform Before choosing the Apps that will facilitate the learning of your children, it is necessary to determine the platform that corresponds to the state-of-the-art device that it uses.

Currently, Android systems (Google), Apple's iOS and Windows Phone are struggling while others, Symbian and BlackBerry OS tend to flounder.

Remember the VHS and Beta, Windows, and Mac OS struggles? We end up with the same imbroglio.

Presumably, two systems, maybe three, will survive? Apple has a very hard tooth? But others will be relegated to oblivion.

Applications Let's get into the thick of it. Once you have identified the platform used by your device, you only have to choose from thousands of applications, those that will suit the learning of your offspring or yours, who knows. This is a difficult task.

Apple If you own an Apple device, it's easier. You just need to go to the Apple Store site to find the ones that suit your children. You will find thousands of them, offered in several languages, for all tastes and all budgets. And this choice is improving almost daily. Some even manage the students' timetables.

Among the most popular, and the best-rated, you will find, for the youngest:

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