At a time when the well-being of employees in companies is considered a pillar of productivity, individual success becomes an issue that interests both, and increasingly, managers and employees themselves.
However, in the gloomy context of the enduring crisis, professional success seems all too often unattainable. This is not the case: it is only the pessimistic vision induced by the context which makes success impossible. The real question: knowing how to go beyond the likelihoods to put yourself in a position of success. This imposes a questioning of its values and a redefinition of success. When access to wealth and success require a different perception of success
Poverty drives fear of success
A feeling of weakness in the face of the crisis has invaded a certain number of employees, reinforced by the consequent drop in purchasing power, and which the fear of failure is rooted in everyone's convictions. Paradoxically, a deep fear of success can then settle, manifested by a renunciation of advancement (“I will not succeed”, “it is not made for me”, etc.). Whatever the individuals and their social class, this undisclosed fear is nevertheless very present: it is revealed when everyone gives up their enthusiasm and the desire to surpass themselves in order to succeed. Which brings us to other questions. That of faith in its success, that of the will to get there, but above all, that of the definition of success: for therein lies the whole problem of success when it is perceived in a way that makes it inaccessible. However, it is precisely this perception that leads us to social behaviors that prevent any ascent. Financial wealth is acquired through levers other than work
For many people, success is defined by access to financial wealth. However, one may wonder why some of the “wealthy” cannot find balance or happiness. The answer is simple, however: they only relied on one pillar, namely money, to define themselves as people. However, if it is accepted by as many people as money, even if it does not directly bring happiness, does indeed contribute to it, focusing only on this pillar of success leads to stifling the other factors that are love, family and friendship. Pillars which, themselves, are not built in the search for absolute control of his life, but on the contrary in a certain letting go. What does this have to do with business success?
The company is both a place where we work, where we forge social ties and where, sometimes, we even find our soulmate. The feeling of well-being and all the factors leading to success could therefore easily be cultivated there, if only everyone became aware of it. Nowadays, however, the business is primarily the field of the search for financial wealth, and therefore everyone tends to focus only on this aspect. The gloomy context of the crisis, however, makes any rapid professional ascent, through work and effort alone, relatively difficult. We end up in the vicious circle of a psychology rooted in defeat, failure and the renunciation of wealth in all its aspects. In other words, hanging on and focusing only on the financial aspect, in business as in everyday life, is most often a factor of poverty. The absence of success calibrated by results and figures testifies in fact to an impossibility of ascent which itself induces a deep conviction of never being able to reach success. This results in defeatist behavior and promotes self-reliance. What if you borrow other voices by changing your perception of wealth to learn how to succeed otherwise? The 10 secrets of business success
As we have just seen, success in business and personal success depend on perceptions and behaviors dictated by absurd beliefs, starting with that which consists in believing that by focusing on money, everything else will come. Success is built, more or less, in an approach that is the opposite of what this conviction induces in our behavior and our interactions with others. To be successful in business, you must give up the beliefs that lead you to resignation and that lead you to believe that wealth will never come. Start by accepting that money and success are acquired by simultaneously building the main pillars of identification that are love, friendship, family and professional success. Each of these aspects must be understood with the same importance, the 10 secrets of success in business based on different elements. The conviction that everything is possible : it is achieved by flawless optimism that is built in the success of the couple, social relationships or professional success. The capacity to surpass oneself , which supposes a will to success whose unshakable character resides in the capacity to project oneself in a better future and where each pillar of success is also fulfilled. The love that one has of his job and the pleasure of carrying on his activity : the exclusively financial research in a job that one does not like can only lead to a psychology oriented by failure and lack of results. This induces the non-accession to all the other criteria that define success and happiness. A positive perception of failure : a failure is never one inasmuch as defeat, of whatever kind, is in reality a lesson that must be taken advantage of to advance better and faster. The renunciation of control : different from mastery, control induces a devaluing self-perception, because no one can really possess it. Failure is therefore always perceived as devaluing and leads to a cycle of fear of success. Mastery, meanwhile, comes down to an ability to understand the values of success in their proper measure. The key: the enthusiasm that leads to success and the faith in its success. The acceptance of wealth as it really is , that is to say, other than monetary and purely financial. Altruism : it's about making life easier for others. To receive, you know, you must first give, but without counting, because nothing is done overnight.
Faith in its success : a faith which rests on point nº 1, namely on the conviction that everything is possible. This allows you to project yourself and identify yourself as already rich, even if the money is not yet there, and which promotes the adoption of a behavior that leads to success.
Self-confidence , a factor that depends on all of the above.
The acceptance of being defeated without considering them as definitions of oneself , because one cannot succeed without having failed before. Defeat is part of the path to success.
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