The health benefits of ginger - Info Include


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Sunday, June 14, 2020

The health benefits of ginger

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Reputed to be an aphrodisiac, ginger also has many virtues very interesting for health. Digestion, cold ... The point on its properties, but also on its use and precautions for use.

SUMMARY The plant Virtues • Aphrodisiac • Cold • Antioxidant • Digestion • Arthritis Pregnancy use Side effects Precautions for use Ginger: the plant The ginger is a plant that grows in most tropical and sunny, especially in Asia. Its root, also called rhizome, is very popular in gastronomy for the taste it provides, but it is also reputed to be an aphrodisiac and to have several therapeutic properties.

Virtues Aphrodisiac? Since Antiquity, ginger has been used as a spice to decorate dishes, but also for its reputation as an aphrodisiac. "It is not an aphrodisiac strictly speaking. That is to say that it does not increase libido. But it is an energizing plant and it is in this that it stimulates sexuality" nuance Evelyne Chartier, general practitioner and nutritionist, member of the Union of liberal doctors.

Cold, sore throat Ginger is also appreciated because it prevents and treats diseases. Among other benefits, this medicinal plant is antibacterial, helps to warm the body, stimulates the immune system, is antiallergic and antipyretic (it fights against fever). By warming the body, ginger makes it possible to fight effectively against the actions of the cold like the cold or the flu.

Natural antioxidant Whether eaten raw or cooked, ginger is a natural antioxidant, which means that it protects the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals. When consumed in combination with garlic and / or onion, it becomes formidable for free radicals.

Special digestion In addition, it allows faster digestion by promoting bile secretion. Above all, ginger is an anti-nausea that limits vomiting, especially those related to transport and in pregnant women. Indeed, the active principles contained in the ginger rhizome exert a sedative action on the gastric mucosa. They are used to treat gastritis and gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea , vomiting , bloating and abdominal pain . The phenols present in the resin are responsible for deactivating the mechanism that causes nausea.

Arthritis In Western countries, ginger is also used to reduce the inflammatory manifestations of rheumatism and arthritis, especially in the form of essential oil to be applied directly to painful areas, two to three times a day. "Thanks to its contributions in zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins B and C, ginger has indeed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects" , summarizes Evelyne Chartier.

"Ginger is used to lose weight" Ginger and pregnancy Known to be a natural and formidable anti-nausea, ginger is highly appreciated by pregnant women prone to nausea and vomiting, especially during the first trimester. To relieve your morning sickness, you can consume ginger tea.

But a real miracle plant, ginger can accompany you throughout your pregnancy. In fact, in the second trimester, its action on digestion will help fight against heartburn and gastric reflux due to hormonal changes.

Without forgetting its anti-inflammatory side to cope with the various pains encountered during pregnancy.

And after childbirth, "it is used to lose weight," continues Evelyne Chartier. Its fat-burning action and its digestive properties will help regain a healthy weight. Ginger root actually promotes the functioning of the metabolism by raising the body temperature, which helps burn more fat.

Use: fresh, raw, powder Ginger can be consumed in several forms. It can be eaten in its raw form, fresh (raw or cooked), taking good care of peeling it, at the rate of 500 mg per day. It can be mixed with other fruits to make smoothies. Its taste being particularly pronounced, it is better not to put much . Raw ginger can be stored in the refrigerator.

It can also be consumed as a syrup to add to sauces or as a powder to sprinkle on dishes. Like candy, candied ginger with sugar can be cooked like candied fruit to add to cakes and cakes ... but can also be eaten as is.

Ginger is also bought in tablets to swallow with a glass of water, but also in mother tincture before meals (10 to 20 drops).

This plant can also be used externally. You can rub yourself with the essential oil of ginger or the mother tincture, directly on the part to be treated, or treat the sore throat by gargling with a spoon of tincture with warm water. As a precaution, seek the advice of a pharmacist for the use of essential oil. Generally they are contraindicated in children and pregnant or lactating women.

"You shouldn't take ginger continuously" Side effects If you overdose on ginger, you may experience some unwanted but non-harmful side effects, such as heartburn and upset stomach, gas and bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and increased menstruation. women.

Some people may also be allergic to ginger and report a rash after consuming it.

Hazards and precautions for use Ginger can be consumed by everyone (regardless of age) and in any form. Be careful however to respect the precautions for use and the therapeutic doses stated by your doctor, however advises Evelyne Chartier. Especially when ginger is consumed in the form of essential oil, which can cause skin irritation.

In addition, it is not recommended to consume ginger before an operation because of its anticoagulant properties. People with bleeding problems should also seek the advice of their doctor before consuming ginger.

Similarly, if you are on treatment, it is better to ask a health professional before taking it to avoid any drug interaction. Finally, "I would say that you should not take it continuously, but make short cures" , concludes Evelyne Chartier.

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