For book lovers, it may seem obvious to share stories with their children. Why wouldn't they pass on their love of letters to them? However, researchers have shown that the benefits of this activity are not limited to the creation of a link but go far beyond, both from the point of view of the adult and that of the child.
Numerous studies have been carried out concerning the interest of children to participate at home in activities around reading. A large part of them focuses on early childhood and how this literary bath contributes to developing basic skills of understanding and expression. Sharing reading from an early age stimulates language development and learning to read, for example.
But this family environment does not lose importance once the children have learned to read. Like parents' beliefs and behaviors, the opportunities for children to read at home continue to influence their interest in books throughout their education. Here are five ways in which common reading can help your child's general education.
Open new horizons Reading with family helps instill a love of books from an early age. By taking the time to turn the pages of a book with their child, adults help them see reading as a fun, not chore. Some children read because they like to do it, others because they get rewards - like stickers in a school newspaper, for example.
Children who read for pleasure read more books, in more varied styles. Giving your child a taste for books therefore helps them broaden their horizons.
Build self-confidence Children assess their own reading skills by watching their classmates and talking to their parents and teachers. By sharing a story and encouraging their children to read, parents can help their children develop what is known as self-efficacy - the way you imagine your ability to do something.
This self-efficacy has been proven to affect the ability to recognize words. Children who think they can't read will be less likely to get started, but with well-targeted compliments, as they read, parents can help them believe in their own skills.
Develop positive attitudes Research has established that the more children have the opportunity to engage in activities related to writing at home, the more positive their attitude towards reading. Children are more likely to read in their spare time if another family member reads regularly, which creates a community they feel they belong to.
Parents' beliefs and actions play on their children's personal motivations for reading, this link is certainly a two-way street - parents are more likely to offer activities around reading to their children if they know that they have appreciated them in the past.
Extend their vocabulary During these shared readings, the children are exposed to various registers of language. This is a very important aspect of these early stages of writing awareness. After all, language development is the foundation of reading and expression skills, and this linguistic bath is one of the essential benefits.
These early readings can have long-term benefits by expanding the vocabulary of younger children. If they come across a word they don't understand, they have an adult with them who can explain it to them in an accessible way. When you tell stories to children who are learning to read, it can improve their knowledge of the alphabet, their skills in deciphering and spelling, and generally familiarize them with the use of books. Just saying the letters of a word they don't know can help them progress a lot.
Gain fluency in writing By reading a story to a child, we will modulate the intonations, the rhythm of the story and make pauses - and therefore respect what is called prosody. It is not a skill that is taught explicitly, but by making a stop in the story or changing the tone if necessary, you can help your child become more comfortable reading aloud. This is why it is not an activity reserved for kindergarten students. On the contrary, showing the complexity of this work of interpretation is useful for children of all ages.
You don't need a lot of money or even free time to read with your children. Even small efforts can have significant effects. And it is not imperative to book this activity at bedtime. Sharing a book, magazine, or comic can be done at any time of the day.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you have to have fun. Interest in books emerges over the good times spent together. Showing your interest and investing in this activity can have a huge impact on how your children will appropriate it.
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