Going on a diet to lose weight does not mean stopping eating, far from it. It is important to respect the three daily meals. The key is to know what to put on your plate and what foods to avoid absolutely.
So, we will see that there are many fat-burning foods , excellent for health but also and above all, for losing weight naturally !
Conversely, "fat-stock" foods for example, such as mayonnaise, pastries, fried foods and cold meats are obviously to be banned, but did you know that other foods, called "fat burners" therefore promote melting body fat and weight loss ?
This is the case for example of fruits and vegetables and cereals rich in vitamins and minerals which help in energy combustion, but also certain drinks and meats.
Here is a top 21 effective fat-burning foods that anyone in the process of losing weight should include in their diet:
Fat Burning Fruits and Vegetables Let's start with this category made up of fruits and vegetables. We will see that, in addition to being advised in terms of nutrition , they also allow a bad fat to melt! Not all of course, so here's the start of the top.
fruits and vegetables for weight loss 1 - Eggplant: succulent and (very) effective! In the vegetable category, eggplant is undoubtedly the number 1 fat-burning food. 95% composed of water and low in calories, it is ideal as part of a diet.
Indeed, once assimilated by the stomach, this vegetable has a sponge power on toxins and fats that enter it. This vegetable also improves intestinal transit.
Consuming this food regularly will therefore help the body not to store fat. Be careful though how you cook the eggplant. Its absorbency is also with cooking oils.
You can therefore cook it in the oven or in ratatouille with other vegetables, or stuffed with tuna or in eggplant caviar.
2 - Green vegetables In general, green vegetables are perfect slimming allies because they promote the proper functioning of the digestive system, thanks to their high content of fiber, mineral salts and vitamins. They also have lots of antioxidants.
Salad, spinach , cabbage, broccoli ... the list of these fat-burning foods seems endless!
The broccoli for example, low calorie and vegetable rich in vitamin C, contains a significant amount of fiber, which helps the proper operation of transit. It is also widely recommended against overweight.
The same goes for its cousin cabbage : to consume without moderation in a slimming diet. In soup or velouté, these fat-burning vegetables are therefore delicious 🙂 Right?
If you are in a weight loss process, you also cannot ignore celery from your daily diet. This vegetable will help you remove fat at best, while marrying perfectly with a variety of savory dishes, and sweet juices. It has a large amount of vitamin C and calcium.
Mushrooms have a high content of iodine, an essential substance for the functioning of the thyroid, a fat-burning gland .
3 - Zucchini: vitamins & anti-fats This low calorie and salt cucurbit is an excellent fat burner. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Incorporating it into your diet will help your body flush out toxins and fats.
Consume this vegetable with its skin, rich in fiber which accentuates the weight loss effect.
In more gourmet dishes, you can also replace the butter with zucchini without altering the taste. Surprising but truthful!
4 - Avocado : legend says that it makes you fat but ... Misconception: the lawyer makes you fat. Admittedly, this fruit is rich in fat, but these are good fats known as “ monounsaturated fats ” which prevent fat from being stored .
Regularly consuming an avocado is said to have a role in losing abdominal fat. The fruit indeed facilitates the work of the liver; lowers cholesterol levels.
In addition to this, avocado protects from cardiovascular disease; and diabetes. 😉
5 - The tomato The tomato is a safe bet. As much for its delicious taste as for its slimming properties. Tasty in salads, in sauces, soups, in juices…
It adapts perfectly to all dishes. On top of all that, the tomato has the power to slow down the accumulation of lipids in the blood, and acts as a real purifier against the accumulation of fat.
Tomato to burn fat 6 - Apples Like the eggplant, the apple contains pectin, which makes it a key element in any slimming diet. Consuming the skin of the apple is advisable because it is rich in fiber and vitamins. Also, we recommend apple vinegar and its slimming benefits !
With around 85 calories, the apple is low in calories , and knowing that the body spends more calories on digesting it (around 95 calories) than the fruit contains, so why not eat it?
In addition to these properties, the apple has the advantage of filling the feeling of hunger. To consume at any time of the day!
If you do not yet know the "apple diet", it's time to go read this excellent article on the subject
7 - Citrus fruits: fat-burning food par excellence Grapefruit is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C and papain, an enzyme that destroys fat molecules. The ideal is therefore to consume the fruit at breakfast or before a meal, to burn more fat, even those present in the back and therefore difficult to eliminate!
Note that it is preferable to consume the fruit in quarters and not in juice. The consumption of grapefruit combined with proteins would boost energy combustion in the body. The acidity of lemon boosts digestion and lowers blood sugar levels.
Lemon has been known for a long time to be a good slimming ally (see the article on the slimming properties of lemon )
Diluting the juice of two lemons in a bottle of water to drink throughout the day is a good way to consume it daily.
The lemon into lemonade , accompanied by honey proves to be the perfect alternative to soda because besides being refreshing and tasty, it helps the body burn fat.
8 - Melon and watermelon: the diuretic is your friend The diuretic effect of these two fruits allows the transit to function well. Their high water content also reduces the amount of fat stored by the body.
9 - Pineapple: + vitamins / - calories This fruit full of vitamins and low in calories will promote the functioning of the transit thanks to its diuretic properties but it is especially from its stem that the pineapple takes its reputation as a fat-burning food.
Indeed, it contains bromelain , an enzyme that helps eliminate fat.
In addition, Pineapple has many other benefits that I advise you to discover in this article.
10 - Papaya We no longer count the virtues that this tropical fruit brings.
Among them, the power to eliminate fat. This slimming ally is composed of digestive enzymes called papain and pepsin , which boost the digestion of rich elements such as fats, starches, carbohydrates.
Consuming papaya before a meal will help digest and avoid storing fat. There are also papaya infusions to take after a meal.
The consumption of these fat-burning foods is all the more effective associated with a healthy and balanced diet. Combine that with regular physical activity, and you will have the key to a successful slimming diet!
11 - Bananas: the natural medicine This fruit should be entered in the medication register, it is so full of health properties. It has an average of 100 calories, but is full of potassium; calcium, magnesium and vitamins.
We should all consume it at least once a day. It helps in fat loss and improves health. Nibbling on this fruit will give you a big boost while passing on the feeling of hunger.
The magic spices Since there are not only fruits and vegetables in life, let's continue this top with spices which are also great fat-burning foods!
12 - Cinnamon: sworn enemy of glucose This spice prevents the glucose level suddenly increases in the blood when you consume sweets. Glucose in fact raises insulin, the hormone that turns food into fat. It thus stimulates digestion .
In a diet, cinnamon is therefore ideal for any dessert, as a sugar substitute. You can also combine it with honey, in yogurt for example, to increase its fat-burning effects.
Indispensable in a diet because in addition to all this, it has antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
13 - Curry, chilli, paprika, peppers All these spices also promote energy combustion, helping the body to burn fat during digestion. Eating spicy means losing weight at the same time!
Cereals New categories & continuation of this top fat-burning food with cereals !
14 - Flax seeds Little used in food, these small seeds have the effect of lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood ; and also help with weight loss.
You can for example consume them in a salad or sprinkle them on vegetables.
15 - Oat bran Oat bran photo Slimming and oat bran go hand in hand . It has huge benefits if you want to lose weight.
Indeed, it has the power to satiate easily because it swells in the stomach and contains soluble fibers, which are very easily eliminated by the body which do not assimilate them, taking with them foods with which they mix, such as carbohydrates for example.
It also has the effect of lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, it is very easy to integrate it into your diet: add it for example to the preparation of pancakes or to your salads, yogurts ...
Start however by regulating your consumption to 2 spoons, to test the adhesion of your body to this food. You can then consume 3 spoons per day.
Drinks: drink to eliminate (bad) fats Now focus on all the drinks that allow you to lose the bulges accumulated through bad habits:
16 - Coffee Among the virtues of coffee , there is that of eliminating fat. The stimulation produced by caffeine on the body releases catecholamines, compounds that trap fat cells.
Be careful not to fall into excessive consumption of caffeine, which could cause unwanted effects.
17 - Green tea If you are more tea than coffee, know that green tea is part of the list of slimming foods. The theine contained helps in the burning of calories on a daily basis and boosts the basic metabolism. It also promotes the distribution of fat by preventing it from being stored at the level of the abdominal belt.
In short: green tea is your ally for a flat stomach!
18 - Herbal teas Some plants have fat-burning properties. This is the case of rosemary, dandelion, lemon, guarana ... plants that activate combustion and increase the basic metabolism.
Drinking them in infusion after meals would help the body to digest well and release the adrenaline which it uses to burn fat.
19 - Red wine A glass of red wine from time to time, in addition to relaxing, will act on the cells responsible for fat formation. This would be explained by the presence of an antioxidant called resveratol, which would prevent obesity and help weight loss.
Be careful though to have a reasonable consumption. We cannot repeat it enough: alcohol abuse is bad for your health!
Other fat-burning foods: Let's finish this top with the other foods, which do not fit into any of the previous categories. Are you ready? Don't worry, it's almost over!
20 - Fish and seafood Fish against bad fatIodine is also found in some fish and shellfish. Low in lipids, seafood would avoid retaining sugars. The downside is their cost.
The salmon for example. Like avocado, this fish has a reputation for fattening. Recommend it in a diet may seem curious but be aware that the omega 3 fatty acids contained in large quantities in this fish promote fat burning.
21 - Some advice to promote the elimination of fat Remember that these foods are not a magic formula to lose fat and slim down. Unhealthy lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet promote fat accumulation and make weight loss difficult.
Getting to your ideal weight does indeed require some efforts and small daily sacrifices, or rather to lose bad habits, namely to avoid eating foods that cause fluid retention that causes
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