Weight loss: 30 foods to lose weight more easily - Info Include


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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Weight loss: 30 foods to lose weight more easily

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These slimming foods will help you lose weight in three ways: they will limit your caloric intake, increase your metabolism and curb your cravings ... The best of all worlds!

1 /30Strawberries Strawberries, among the best slimming foods When you want a sweet food, opt for strawberries . Low in calories and considered one of the best fat-burning foods , strawberries are rich in antioxidants and nutrients. In addition, this tasty red fruit will satisfy your sweet tooth, less guilt! Indeed, 100 grams of strawberries have only 33 calories, making strawberries one of the best slimming foods.

2 /30Cranberries Cranberries

Low in carbohydrates and calories, cranberries are packed with fiber and antioxidants . Half a cup contains 25 calories. However, few people like to consume them plain because of their tangy taste. Add them to the muffins : these are so delicious that they will help you have a healthy and tasty breakfast every morning! Also try them in salads and wild rice to avoid excess calories or fat.

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3 /30Beet Beet

Did you know that you can use beet in many healthy and slimming desserts made with dark chocolate ? Low in calories, beets give a sweet taste and superb texture to your chocolate cakes and brownies! If beet is one of the vegetables with the highest sugar content, it is nonetheless very low in calories: around 50 per cup. Combined with other vegetables or when this food is part of your desserts, beetroot can be considered a slimming food .

4 /30Mushroom Mushroom

Appetizing and nutritious, mushrooms are considered among the best slimming foods. These vegetables are very low in calories (10 in half a cup), free of fat , and are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, selenium, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, vitamin B6 and zinc. Moreover, many stars are following the diet to raw mushrooms to lose weight .

5 /30Apple Apple

An apple is the ideal snack : easy to carry, tasty, filling and low in calories (an apple of 140 g barely contains 90). If you're very hungry, don't forget to combine this source of carbohydrates and fiber with a source of protein, like a little Greek yogurt!

6 /30Brussels sprouts Brussels sprouts

Cabbage and Brussels sprout are among the best slimming foods. It is rich in fiber and low in calories (a cup of chopped kale contains only 20), which makes it a very nutritious vegetable at the same time that it is ideal for those who monitor their weight . Be careful not to overcook them, otherwise they will become bitter!

7 /30Celery Celery

People who want to lose weight eat a lot of celery because it contains few calories. However, it is wrong to believe that chewing celery consumes more calories than the vegetable provides. Two celery sticks contain less than 10 calories (95% of their weight consists of water), but their fiber content makes them very substantial.

8 /30Cabbage bok choy Cabbage bok choy

One cup of cooked bok choy cabbage contains 20 calories. Rich in water and fiber, it satisfies you and allows you to lose weight more easily. You can include it in a stir-fry of Asian vegetables with a tablespoon of grapeseed oil .

9 /30Garlic Garlic, considered one of the best slimming foods

Scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel have reportedly found a new health benefit from garlic . The latter could prevent weight gain and even weight loss. Laboratory tests have shown that rats on a high sugar diet gained less weight if they also consumed garlic.

10 /30 Lettuce Lettuce

People who monitor their weight like lettuce: it is low in calories and gives an impression of satiety because it contains a lot of fiber . This slimming food also adds a lot of volume to your plate, without increasing the number of calories.

11 /30Broccoli Broccoli

Among slimming foods, broccoli is rich in fiber and nutrients, both essential for your health and well-being. Broccoli is also low in calories and has the power to fill you up even longer. Do not hesitate to eat good amounts of it both during your meals and as a snack with a protein source such as low-fat yogurt!

12 /30But But

An average ear of corn contains 83 calories. In addition to being rich in potassium and thiamine, it contains a lot of fiber and protein. It fills the appetite!

13 /30Parsnip Parsnip

Parsnip is a nutritious starchy food low in calories (60 calories per half cup) and rich in fiber. Considered among the best slimming foods, this vegetable induces a feeling of satiety which prevents us from overeating.

14 /30Hot pepper Hot pepper

The hot pepper gives a lot of flavor and bite to the food, while being low in calories. It boosts metabolism , helps burn fat and prolongs the feeling of satiety.

15 /30Pear Pear Rich in fiber, pears can help regulate your digestive system. Their pectin promotes the feeling of satiety.

16 /30Pumpkin Pumpkin

The pumpkin is one of the most effective slimming foods. Low in calories, but rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, the pumpkin contains a lot of beta-carotene.

17 /30Yam Yam

The sweet potato (orange, white or purple) is a superfood that can be eaten both salty and sweet. Very rich in vitamin A, it also contains vitamin B6, vitamin C , copper and manganese. In addition to all these benefits, the sweet potato contains only half the calories of a potato: substituting it in your recipes is therefore an excellent health and slimming option.

18 /30Coconut Coconut

The coconut in all forms full of medium chain triglycerides (MCT), a type of fat extremely healthy saturated. TCMs are easily transformed into energy and less likely to be stored as fat by the body. In addition, coconut oil is perfect for cooking food because it resists very high temperatures.

19 /30Cinnamon Cinnamon

Once as precious as gold, cinnamon has countless virtues. This slimming food regulates blood sugar, and the cinnamic aldehyde that composes it is a powerful antioxidant. Most importantly, it creates a chemical reaction in the body that has the effect of generating heat and speeding up metabolism.

20 /30Orange Orange

Sweet and juicy, orange facilitates intestinal transit. It is also stuffed with pectin, a fiber that traps fat and stabilizes the blood sugar level. To top it off, a medium-sized fruit covers almost all of the daily vitamin C requirements.

21 /30Chewed up Chewed up

Grown in Quebec, lamb's lettuce is low in calories, low in carbohydrates and is one of the natural appetite suppressants . Beneath its slight nutty flavor, it contains an abundance of vitamin C, vitamin A and carotene.

22 /30Watermelon Watermelon

Treasure of freshness and considered one of the best slimming foods, watermelon is one of the lowest calorie foods. It provides a lot of antioxidants and, despite its divine taste, few sugars. Composed of 92% water, watermelon is also very refreshing.

23 /30Turmeric Turmeric

The turmeric is a spice health par excellence popular worldwide. Fresh or in powder form, it stimulates the digestion of fat, promotes bile function and plays a protective role for the liver and stomach.

24 /30Linseed Linseed

Flaxseeds are in vogue due to their proven digestive and slimming properties. Brown or golden, they contain a large amount of omega-3 , essential fatty acids which help the metabolism to burn calories by accelerating the breakdown of fats.

25 /30Quinoa Quinoa

A real magic grain, quinoa contains both fiber (2.6 for 85g) and protein. This exceptional nutrient cocktail satisfies you over the long term and therefore helps regulate hunger and calorie intake, making quinoa one of the best slimming foods.

26 /30French shallot French shallot

Do not underestimate the virtues of shallots: this little cousin of onion with a purplish flesh and a spicy flavor contains quercetin (a molecule from the flavonoid family), which helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol . French shallots are also a mine of antioxidants and their potassium content helps regulate blood pressure. Made up of 80% water, the shallot provides only 1.9 g of lipids, but contains 2.3 g of fiber per 100 g. These two advantages make it an excellent slimming food, especially since it contains only 15 calories. In addition, thanks to its fiber content, the shallot participates in increasing the satiety effect and improving digestion.

27 /30Lentils Lentils

Some of the best weight loss foods are lentils, which are rich in protein and soluble fiber, two nutrients that help stabilize blood sugar levels. Consuming lentils thus helps prevent insulin spikes which contribute to the production of excess fat, especially in the abdominal region.

28 /30Goji berries Goji berries

The Goji berries dried earned their reputation superfruit and slimming food. The low caloric value of Goji berry (about fifteen per handful) contrasts with its nutritional density: amino acids, minerals, fibers, etc. A natural antioxidant, it is known to lower sugar and fat levels in the blood.

29 /30Dates Dates

Dates are low in calories (around 23 for a fruit) and yet very energizing and satisfying. Rich in vitamins and fibers, they participate in good digestion, a key element in keeping a healthy weight.

Due to their high glycemic index, however, it is important not to abuse it. The date represents an interesting slimming food if it is used to replace sugar or sweet products, in snacks, smoothies and desserts for example.

30 /30Endives Endives

Versatile in the kitchen, endives bring crunchiness and freshness for only 12 calories per 100g. They are also full of water, fiber for transit and potassium for elimination.

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