How to vary your diet? - Info Include


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Sunday, June 14, 2020

How to vary your diet?

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How to compose healthy and balanced meals for all? How to meet the appetite, nutritional needs and tastes of each member of your family?

Choose your food Eating well means adopting a varied and balanced diet, that is to say eating everything but in suitable quantities. This consists of favoring foods that are beneficial to our health (fruits, vegetables, preferably complete starches, fish, etc.), and limiting the consumption of sweet products (confectionery, sugary drinks, etc.), salty products (appetizer cakes, chips, etc.) and fatty (cold meats, butter, cream…)

This dietary balance is not built on a meal or on a day but rather on the week. That is why there is no forbidden food or miracle food. It is all a question of choice and quantity. Thus, a festive meal can be offset with lighter and balanced meals afterwards.

Combined with regular physical activity, an adapted diet contributes to limiting weight gain but also a certain number of health problems such as cancers, type 2 diabetes, excess cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, etc.

Compose your menus Composing varied menus is a good way to establish good eating habits. The portions of each dish are different depending on the age, physical activity and appetite of each. A meal is sufficient in quantity when it does not leave a feeling of hunger.

Entrance : favor vegetables, raw or cooked, etc. or even fruit. This will help you reach the nutritional benchmark of 5 fruits and vegetables a day.

The main dish : Meat, poultry, fish or eggs can be components of the main dish but not the dominant element. They should be served with vegetables, starchy foods, pulses (lentils, chickpeas, beans, etc.). You can also choose to prepare a dish from starchy foods, preferably complete, such as vegetable spaghetti, or from pulses such as vegetarian couscous with chickpeas or lentil curry with rice.

Dessert: favor fruit (raw, cooked, compote, oven or clafoutis) and dairy products. They contribute to a good nutritional balance while bringing a gourmet touch to your meal.

For your menus, also remember to favor seasonal products. They have many advantages such as often more attractive prices and better taste qualities when consumed during their preferred period.

Did you know ? Drinking water during and between meals is also part of a good nutritional balance. This is why sodas, very rich in sugar, should only be consumed occasionally. Indeed, one liter of soda contains the equivalent of 15 to 25 pieces of sugar of 5 g, a can of 33 cl contains 6 to 8 g.

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